About Kemeling: Hanneke
My curiosity for how people acquire language and apply language has been the driving force behind my education in Dutch Linguistics and also forms the basis for my everyday work. I’ve been working with both government and private sectors for more than 30 years, conducting language training and editing text.
I’ve gained valuable experience working with government bodies, banks and insurance companies. I’ve also regularly worked with institutes including Elsevier Talen, Bureau Ouwehand, Vergouwen Overduin and the Boertiengroep.
My work takes me all across The Netherlands and occasionally I have clients abroad who are mainly interested in learning Dutch as a second language. Overseas clients also include Dutch expats who are returning home and want to brush up their Dutch before re-entering the Dutch workforce and society.
In general I conduct training sessions myself, however if this involves a large number of trainees or when time is of the essence, I work with a team of like-minded professionals.