Language training
Summary of language courses
Spelling, grammar and reading Skills
Refresher course in spelling
Accurate Dutch
Writing for business purposes
Efficient and comprehensive writing
Business letters and emails
Writing policies and reports
B1 level writing
Contemporary Dutch for lawyers
Dutch as a second language (NT2)
Courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners
NT2 for highly educated learners
NT2 for middle management
NT2 for workers
State exam training level 1 and level 2
Spelling, grammar and reading skills
This training focuses on general Dutch. Course participants recollect and refresh the rules of spelling and learn how to identify and correct spelling errors. The course also deals with avoiding common stylistic mistakes, sentence structures, paragraphing and clarity in writing. The speed-reading course will teach you strategies to read faster without missing the main ideas of the text.
Writing for business purposes
The course in Efficient and comprehensive writing aims at teaching the general skills and strategies of Business writing while the remaining courses in this series each focus on a particular style of writing including letters and emails. Learners will also learn to write for different contexts.
Dutch as a second language
Courses on offer range from beginner to advanced to suit your level of education. The focus is on developing general language skills identified by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Clients can also choose training, which focuses on improving their Dutch for their particular field of work.
The exam-training course, which teaches exam essentials, is for anyone who wishes to sit for the state NT2 level 1 or level 2 exam.
More information about the training? Call 06 2602 2323.